Network interaction 2d
Performs Two dimensional MSA as explain in section 2.3 of [1] for every possible pair of elements and returns a symmetric matrix of interactions between the elements.
n_permutations (int): Number of permutations (samplescontributions_excluding) per element.
elements (list): List of the players (elements). Can be strings (names), integers (indicies), and tuples.
pairs (Optional[list]): List of pairs of elements that you want to analyze the interaction between.
Defaults to None which means all possible pairs
objective_function (Callable):
The game (in-silico experiment). It should get the complement set and return one numeric value
either int or float.
This function is just calling it as: objective_function(complement, **objective_function_params)
An example using networkx with some tips:
(you sometimes need to specify what should happen during edge-cases like an all-lesioned network)
def local_efficiency(complements, graph):
if len(complements) < 0:
# the network is intact so:
return nx.local_efficiency(graph)
elif len(complements) == len(graph):
# the network is fully lesioned so:
return 0.0
# lesion the system, calculate things
lesioned = graph.copy()
return nx.local_efficiency(lesioned)
contributions_excluding objective_function_params (Dict, optional): Kwargs for the objective_function. Defaults to {}.
multiprocessing_method (str, optional):
So far, two methods of parallelization is implemented, 'joblib' and 'ray' and the default method is joblib.
If using ray tho, you need to decorate your objective function with @ray.remote decorator. Visit their
documentations to see how to go for it. I guess ray works better on HPC clusters (if they support it tho!)
and probably doesn't suffer from the sneaky "memory leakage" of joblib. But just by playing around,
I realized joblib is faster for tasks that are small themselves. Remedies are here:
Note: Generally, multiprocessing isn't always faster as explained above. Use it when the function itself
takes some like each game takes longer than 0.5 seconds or so. For example, a function that sleeps for a
second on a set of 10 elements with 1000 permutations each (1024 games) performs as follows:
- no parallel: 1020 seccontributions_excluding
- joblib: 63 sec
- ray: 65 sec
That makes sense since I have 16 cores and 1000/16 is around 62.
Defaults to 'joblib'.
rng (Optional[np.random.Generator], optional): Numpy random generator object used for reproducable results. Default is None. Defaults to None.
random_seed (Optional[int], optional):
sets the random seed of the sampling process. Only used when `rng` is None. Default is None. Defaults to None.
n_parallel_games (int):
Number of parallel jobs (number of to-be-occupied cores),
-1 means all CPU cores and 1 means a serial process.
I suggest using 1 for debugging since things get messy in parallel!
NotImplementedError: Raises this error in case the contribution is a timeseries or there are
multiple contributions
np.ndarray: the interaction matrix
Source code in msapy/
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