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Parallelized take contributions

Same as the take_contribution function but parallelized over CPU cores to boost performance. I'd first try the single msapy version on a toy example to make sure everything makes sense then go for this because debugging parallel jobs is a disaster. Also, you don't need this if your game is happening on GPU. For HPC systems, I guess either dask or ray will be better options.

Note on returns: Contributions and lesion effects are virtually the same thing it's just about how you're looking at them. For example, you might want to use lesion effects by conditioning elements' length and see the effect of single lesions, dual, triple,... so, for contributions we have a value contributed by the intact coalition, the same result can be compared to the intact system to see how big was the impact of lesioning the complements. "Same same, but different, but still same!" - James Franco


Name Type Description Default
multiprocessing_method str

So far, two methods of parallelization is implemented, 'joblib' and 'ray' and the default method is joblib. If using ray tho, you need to decorate your objective function with @ray.remote decorator. Visit their documentations to see how to go for it. I guess ray works better on HPC clusters (if they support it tho!) and probably doesn't suffer from the sneaky "memory leakage" of joblib. But just by playing around, I realized joblib is faster for tasks that are small themselves. Remedies are here:

Note: Generally, multiprocessing isn't always faster as explained above. Use it when the function itself takes some like each game takes longer than 0.5 seconds or so. For example, a function that sleeps for a second on a set of 10 elements with 1000 permutations each (1024 games) performs as follows:

- no parallel: 1020 sec
- joblib: 63 sec
- ray: 65 sec

That makes sense since I have 16 cores and 1000/16 is around 62. TODO: allow more flexibility in ray method. Scaling up to a cluster?

n_cores int

Number of parallel games. Default is -1, which means all cores so it can make the system freeze for a short period, if that happened then maybe go for -2, which means one msapy is left out. Or really just specify the number of threads you want to use!

complement_space OrderedSet

The actual targets for lesioning. Shapley values are the added contributions of elements while in MSA we calculate them by perturbation so although it's intuitive to think the combination in combination space is the element that will be lesioned, it is not the case, it will be everything else but the coalition, i.e., the target coalition are the only intact elements.

combination_space OrderedSet

The template, will be copied, filled by the objective_function, and returned.

objective_function Callable

The game, it should get the complement set and return one numeric value either int or float. This function is just calling it as: objective_function(complement, **objective_function_params) so design accordingly.

An example using networkx with some tips: (you sometimes need to specify what should happen during edge-cases like an all-lesioned network)

def local_efficiency(complements, graph):
    if len(complements) < 0:
       # the network is intact so:
       return nx.local_efficiency(graph)

    elif len(complements) == len(graph):
       # the network is fully lesioned so:
       return 0.0

       # lesion the system, calculate things
       lesioned = graph.copy()
       return nx.local_efficiency(lesioned)
objective_function_params Optional[Dict]

Kwargs for the objective_function.



Type Description
Tuple[Dict, Dict]
  • contributions: A dictionary of coalitions:results
  • lesion_effects: A dictionary of lesions:results
Source code in msapy/
def parallelized_take_contributions(*,
                                    multiprocessing_method: str = 'joblib',
                                    n_cores: int = -1,
                                    complement_space: OrderedSet,
                                    combination_space: OrderedSet,
                                    objective_function: Callable,
                                    objective_function_params: Optional[Dict] = None,
                                    mbar=None) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]:
    Same as the take_contribution function but parallelized over CPU cores to boost performance.
    I'd first try the single msapy version on a toy example to make sure everything makes sense then
    go for this because debugging parallel jobs is a disaster. Also, you don't need this if your game
    is happening on GPU. For HPC systems, I guess either dask or ray will be better options.
    Note on returns:
        Contributions and lesion effects are virtually the same thing it's just about how you're looking at them.
        For example, you might want to use lesion effects by conditioning elements' length and see the effect of
        single lesions, dual, triple,... so, for contributions we have a value contributed by the intact coalition,
        the same result can be compared to the intact system to see how big was the impact of lesioning the complements.
        "Same same, but different, but still same!" - James Franco

        multiprocessing_method (str):
            So far, two methods of parallelization is implemented, 'joblib' and 'ray' and the default method is joblib.
            If using ray tho, you need to decorate your objective function with @ray.remote decorator. Visit their
            documentations to see how to go for it. I guess ray works better on HPC clusters (if they support it tho!)
            and probably doesn't suffer from the sneaky "memory leakage" of joblib. But just by playing around,
            I realized joblib is faster for tasks that are small themselves. Remedies are here:

            Note: Generally, multiprocessing isn't always faster as explained above. Use it when the function itself
            takes some like each game takes longer than 0.5 seconds or so. For example, a function that sleeps for a
            second on a set of 10 elements with 1000 permutations each (1024 games) performs as follows:

                - no parallel: 1020 sec
                - joblib: 63 sec
                - ray: 65 sec

            That makes sense since I have 16 cores and 1000/16 is around 62.
            TODO: allow more flexibility in ray method. Scaling up to a cluster?

        n_cores (int):
            Number of parallel games. Default is -1, which means all cores so it can make the system
            freeze for a short period, if that happened then maybe go for -2, which means one msapy is
            left out. Or really just specify the number of threads you want to use!

        complement_space (OrderedSet):
            The actual targets for lesioning. Shapley values are the added contributions of elements
            while in MSA we calculate them by perturbation so although it's intuitive to think the combination
            in combination space is the element that will be lesioned, it is not the case,
            it will be everything else but the coalition, i.e., the target coalition are the only intact elements.

        combination_space (OrderedSet):
            The template, will be copied, filled by the objective_function, and returned.

        objective_function (Callable):
            The game, it should get the complement set and return one numeric value either int or float.
            This function is just calling it as: objective_function(complement, **objective_function_params)
            so design accordingly.

            An example using networkx with some tips:
            (you sometimes need to specify what should happen during edge-cases like an all-lesioned network)

            >>>     def local_efficiency(complements, graph):
            >>>         if len(complements) < 0:
            >>>            # the network is intact so:
            >>>            return nx.local_efficiency(graph)
            >>>         elif len(complements) == len(graph):
            >>>            # the network is fully lesioned so:
            >>>            return 0.0
            >>>         else:
            >>>            # lesion the system, calculate things
            >>>            lesioned = graph.copy()
            >>>            lesioned.remove_nodes_from(complements)
            >>>            return nx.local_efficiency(lesioned)

        objective_function_params (Optional[Dict]):
            Kwargs for the objective_function.

        (Tuple[Dict, Dict]): 
            - contributions: A dictionary of coalitions:results
            - lesion_effects: A dictionary of lesions:results
    objective_function_params = objective_function_params if objective_function_params else {}
    cbar = progress_bar(complement_space, total=len(complement_space), parent=mbar, leave=False)

    if len(complement_space.items[0]) == 1:
        warnings.warn("Are you sure you're not mistaking complement and combination spaces?"
                      "Length of the first element in complement space is 1, that is usually n_elements-1",
    if multiprocessing_method == 'ray':
        if importlib.util.find_spec("ray") is None:
            raise ImportError("The ray package is required to run this algorithm")

        import ray
        if type(objective_function) is not ray.remote_function.RemoteFunction:
            raise ValueError("Objective function is not decorated with ray. You probably forgot @ray.remote")

        if n_cores <= 0:
            warnings.warn("A zero or a negative n_cores was passed and ray doesn't like so "
                          "to fix that ray.init() will get no arguments, "
                          "which means use all cores as n_cores = -1 does for joblib.", stacklevel=2)

        result_ids = [objective_function.remote(complement, **objective_function_params) for complement in complement_space]
        for _ in tqdm(ray_iterator(result_ids), total=len(result_ids)):

        results = ray.get(result_ids)

    elif multiprocessing_method == 'joblib':
        results = (Parallel(n_jobs=n_cores)(delayed(objective_function)(
            complement, **objective_function_params) for complement in cbar))
        raise NotImplemented("Available multiprocessing backends are 'ray' and 'joblib'")

    contributions = dict(zip(combination_space, results))
    lesion_effects = dict(zip(complement_space, results))


    return contributions, lesion_effects